Switching from Patreon to Stripe

As part of the big new update we’re launching today, sesh will be switching to Stripe for new premium memberships.

No action is required for existing Patreon members. Your membership will continue at the current rate as long as you like. You’re grandfathered in! 👴

However, if you prefer the new pricing tiers offered through Stripe, we’re happy to provide a partial refund for the remainder of any active Patreon membership. Read on for details.

Please feel free to contact us on our Discord if you have any questions!

How to request a refund

  1. Email us at [email protected] from your Patreon email address with the subject line “Switch to Stripe” (no message necessary)

  2. We’ll issue you a refund via Patreon and reply to let you know the amount. Please allow a few days for us to get back to you.

  3. Cancel your Patreon subscription

Why might I want to switch to Stripe instead of staying on Patreon?

In most cases, your existing Patreon tier is a better value and we recommend you continue your membership.

However, with our current launch sale prices, the new Stripe tiers may offer a better value if you only use sesh on one server, or if you prefer a one-time payment to a monthly subscription.

Check out the premium page for complete details on the new pricing options.

How long will it take to receive a refund?

Once we process your refund (estimated 1-2 days), it can take up to 10 business days to go back to the original payment method. You’ll receive an email confirmation from us as well as Patreon when your refund is processed.

Does it matter if I request a refund before or after subscribing via Stripe?

No, you can subscribe to one of the new tiers before or after requesting a refund. Your Patreon membership will remain active until the end of the current billing period regardless of your refund status.

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